Physical Soil Classification
Physical Soil Classification

Physical Soil Classification

Physical Soil Classification

Physical Soil Classification

Soil classification involves identifying soils according to the classification of master horizons, identifying diagnostic horizons or materials, determining the soil type, identifying family characteristics, determining of the soil family and the texture of the horizons.

This collected information allows the producer  to accurately  determine what are the best soil preparation practices, to  achieve optimal soil health and fertility.  Certain soil horizons have a direct effect on leaching of nutrients, and it is important to identify these horizons to make sure that nutrient that is prone to leaching of N, K, S and Mg can be managed effectively. Effective depth, plant available water capacity is determined to identify yield potential zones for different crops. In combination with soil nutrient analyses, variable rate prescription maps can be compiled for fertilization and seeding.

Soil Nutrient Analysis

Soil Nutrient Analysis (Chemical Analysis)

Soil Nutrient Analysis

Soil Nutrient Analysis (Chemical Analysis)

Involves analyzing different macro and micro elements that are necessary plant production.

Depending on the size of fields, specific crop types and preferences of the grower, standard soil nutrient analysis is done by sampling soil at a depth of 0-30 cm at 1ha, 2ha and 4ha intervals take.  The analyses determine the pH, total exchange capacity of soils,  as well as the amount of phosphate, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. Agropedo uses local and international accredited laboratories.

All information is processed and recommendations for correction of nutrient imbalances are made. The nutrient analyses can be used in combination with soil classification to compile variable rate precipitation maps for fertilization and seeding.

Soil Nutrient Analysis
Soil health and biological analyzes
Soil health and biological analyzes

Soil health and biological analyzes

Soil health and biological analyzes

Soil health and biological analyzes

Involves determining soil health and biological activity of soils.

The H3A extraction method of the Soil Health Tool mimics the organic acids that plant roots excrete to absorb nutrients. The Soil Health Tool enables the grower to determine which nutrients readably available to plants.

Various microorganisms have the ability to perform similar tasks such as nitrification that  make nitrogen available for plant use. The importance of analysis is emphasized in determining of the functionality of microorganisms in soil.

Soil biological analysis is a tool that allows growers  to define and monitor  the changes in soil microbial communities  over  time and between different treatments. Microorganisms are being protected to ensure healthy soils.

Fertilizer Recommendations

Fertilizer Recommendations

Fertilizer Recommendations

Fertilizer Recommendations

All available information namely physical soil classification, soil nutrient analyses and soil health and biological analyses are used to compile variable rate fertilizer recommendations for different crops.

Fertilizer Recommendations
Variable rate seed recommendations
Variable rate seed recommendations

Variable rate seed recommendations

Variable rate seed recommendations

Variable rate seed recommendations

Yield potential, leaching potential and waterlogged risk zones determined during the physical soil classification service are used to generate variable rate seed recommendations.

NDVI satellite imagery

NDVI satellite imagery

NDVI satellite imagery

NDVI satellite imagery

NDVI satellite images are used throughout the growing season to determine problem areas early and conduct real-time inspections and corrective actions.

NDIV satellite images are available in 10m resolution on a minimum weekly basis or intervals  selected or recommended by the client and agronomist. NDVI satellite images help the producer observe and understand variables in fields and conduct more focused crop inspections and leaf sap analyses.

NDVI satellite imagery
Crop inspections
Crop inspections

Crop inspections

Crop inspections

Crop inspections

Monitoring crops throughout the growing season to achieve real-time corrections.

Crop inspections are done during the growing season. During these inspections, leaf sap analyses and profile inspections can be conducted that include root development, compaction layer assessment and moisture inspections.

Leaf sap analyses and foliar nutrition recommendations

Leaf sap analyses and foliar nutrition recommendations

Leaf sap analyses and foliar nutrition recommendations

Leaf sap analyses and foliar nutrition recommendations

Involves taking leaf sap analyses throughout the growing season. With the necessary sap analyses, more accurate foliar feeding recommendations can be made.

Leaf sap analyses are done at representative points in the fields. With available NDVI satellite images, strategic sampling points are determined, the samples are analysed in an international accredited laboratory to determine presence of total sugars, pH, EC, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, silica, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum, and boron. If necessary, foliar feeding recommendations are made. The leaf sap analyses are also used as a guideline to adapt future fertilization practices according to crop needs on specific fields.

Leaf sap analyses and foliar nutrition recommendations
Yield data analysis
Yield data analysis

Yield data analysis

Yield data analysis

Yield data analysis

Yield data processing from combine data serves as reporting of goals achieved or not.  By correctly analyzing yield data, zone determination can be refined in conjunction with soil physic classification.  Yield drivers are determined.  Each farming unit has unique drivers and yield data enables the producer to determine these drivers.

Consulting Services

Consulting Services

Consulting Services

Consulting Services

Tailored consultation services according to the client’s needs.

Producers can make use of individual services or uniquely composed packages to meet their needs. Typical consultation packages include:

Consulting Services

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